
MMIT Forum gathers more than 100 media professionals from 14 countries

On October 25-27 EAST Center co-organized the largest international media conference in Belarus, Media Management and IT Forum. MMIT Forum gathered over 100 media and NGO representatives, data activists and media experts from Belarus, five other Eastern Partnership countries and beyond.  MMIT Forum guests discussed present-time challenges, the state of Belarusian and EaP media and media projects, and shared their expertise in empowering media and local communities.

The MMIT Forum included a number of panel discussions and a series of master classes organized within five sections: Media Management, Media Monetization, Investigative Journalism, IT Tools & Open Source Investigations, and Media Content.


The topics of the master classes given at MMIT Forum included:

– How to develop a strategy for your media campaign, by Tatiana Repkova, founder of Media Managers Club (Slovakia);
– Solutions Journalism: A way to Reestablish Trust in the Media, by Jeremy Druker, Executive director of Transitions Online (US / CZ);
– Using Fact-checking to promote political accountability and fight disinformation, by Darko Brkan, Head of NGO Zasto ne (BiH);
– Media in social networks: new opportunities for development, by Julia Lebed, Head of Media Partnerships Department at OK.RU (Russia)
– Developing and protecting sources, by John Sepulvado, journalist and public radio host at KQED, the NPR station in San Francisco (USA)

MMIT Forum was organized by the EAST Center in cooperation with Johannes Rau International Centre for Education and Exchange (IBB Minsk), Deutsche Welle Akademie and Practical Competences Studio, in partnership with the Belarusian Association of Journalists. It is supported by the Delegation of the EU in Belarus, the Kingdom of Netherlands, the European Union, the British Embassy in Minsk, the Secretariat of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum and the UNDP in Belarus.

Some of MMIT Forum photos by Nazi Jannesary are below.


Eurasian States in Transition