EAST Research Fellow Veranika Laputska‘s article World War II Criminals in Belarusian Internet Mass-Media: The Cases of Anthony Sawoniuk and Vladimir Katriuk is published in the 2016 issue of the Journal of Belarusian Studies.
In her article Veranika Laputska analyses a number Belarusian online mass-media publications to discuss the criminal cases of WWII criminals collaborated with the Nazis – Anthony Sawoniuk and Valdimir Katriuk – both of whom committed war crimes in Belarus during World War II.
The paper looks into the discourses within three main groups of Belarusian mass-media, labelled as state-owned, ‘neutral’, and pro-democratic. The study sets out to compare the media discourses surrounding both cases within each of the three Internet mass-media groups, thereby distinguishing differences and similarities and explaining the reasons behind them.